It was a pleasure to have District Governor Malini Raghwan visit Rotary Remuera from her home Rotary Club of Suva.
Malini acknowledged Past District Governor, Tony Fortune and Assistant Governor, Pam Deal.
Leigh Marshall was the first Rotary face that Malini saw when she came to Auckland in 1995, to participate in the RYLA programme at Willow Park.
Rotary International President Ian Riseley has asked clubs globally to help build better environment stability by planting trees. In Suva, Malini has been involved with planting mangroves which are a breeding ground for fish, shark, lobster and shrimp. Mangrove swamps protect coastal areas from erosion, storm surge and tsunamis. Each Rotarian is asked to plant a tree during this Rotary year.
Another request from President Riseley is for Clubs to log vonlunteer hours on a weekly basis. This is for statistical purposes so we can have a better understanding of Rotary's impact on our Community.
Malini's main areas of focus include:
1. Help to improve water and sanitation services in Fiji and the Pacific Islands and
2. Help with maternity and child health services in Fiji.
Malini showed us a powerpoint presentation about the District 9920 Conference and venue in Fiji on 6th to 8th April 2018. Please see Cindy's notes in the Bulletin about group airfares with Fiji Airways.